Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

93 nrmcs in the country. While these things were in transaction, the king made a solemne protestation before the lords, as in the presence of God, declaring that he would not engage them in any warre, against the parliament, but only for his neccssarJ defence ; that his desire was to maintaine the protestant religion, the liberties of the subiect, and privelledge of parliament; but the next day, he did some action, so contrary to this protestation, that two of the lords durst not stay with him, but return'd to the parliament; and one of them comming back through Nottinghamshire, acquainted Mr. Hutchinson with the sad sence he had, discovering that falsehood in the king. Now lmd the king rays'd an arrnie of three thousand fool.c and one thousand horse, with which he went to Deverly, in order to besiege Hull. 'Vhen he was within two !towers march of Ll1e place, Sr. John Hotham floated the country about it, and Sr. John Meldrum, sallying out of the towne, with fil'c hundred townsmen, made the king's party rctrcate to Bevcrly: but however they beleaguer' cl the towne, into which the parliarncnt sent a reliefe of fi1·e hundred men, by water, with whom lVIcldrum made another sall)·, routed the leagner-souldicrs, kill'tl some, made others prisoners, tooke the magazine of anncs and ammunition, which was in a barne, their fire-balls, and fired the barnc. Hereupon the king's councell of warrc br6kc up the siege, from whence the king went back to Yorkc, and about the middle of August came to No ttingham, where he set up his standard royall, and hither his two nephewes, Prince ltupcrt and Prince Maurice, came to him and were put into commands. The king marching through Nottingham, Derby, and Leicestershire, caird togetht'r the trained bands as to attend him, tlisarm'd those counties, and march"d to Shrewsberry, and there seLl up a mint and coynccl the plate, that had bene brought in to him, Here a grca tc many men came in lo him, wi th whom, marching into " ' arwicksbirc, he there fought his first