Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

117 country.' To yoake with him, there was a very honest man, who could not be reckon'd among the gentry, though he were call'd by the name of JJfr. Lomax, he was in the strength and perfection of his age, a stout and an understanding man, plain and blunt, but withal! godly, faithful! to his country, and honest to all men. There liv'd att Nottingham, a man call'd Mr. Salusbury, who had very good abillilies with his pen, upon which he was taken in, to be their secretary, but he proov'd ambitious and froward, and being poore, when he was after rimde treasurer, fell into some temptation; but he carried at first a faire colour of religion and honesty. These were they, 1~hom Mr. Hutchinson was first mated with, whose characters it was necessary thus farre to hint at, for the better carrying. on of his story. Sr. John Digby having notice that they had prevented him, by getting armes in their hands before, came not to Nottingham, where now they had · taken up the sword, it was not safe to lay it downe againe, and hold a naked . throatc to their enemie's whetted knives . ·wherefore, upon the parliament's commission, for settling the militia, sometime before, there having bene three collonells nominated; viz. Sr. Francis Thornhagh, Sr. Francis 1\'Iolineux,. and Mr. Francis Pierrepont; they propounded to them to raise their regiments. Sr. Francis Molineux altogether declin'd, Sr. Francis Tbornhagh appoynted his sonne for his lieftenant collonell, and he •. began to rayse a regiment of horse, with whom many of the honest men, that first listed themselves with Mr. George Hutchinson, became troopers. Mr. John Hutchiuson apd his brother were persuaded to be lieftenant coHonell and maior, to Collonell Pierrepont's regiment of foote; and accordingly Mr. George Hutchinson had q The pedigree of the family of VVidmerpoole in Thoroton, shews him to haYe been of very ancient and good descent; his ancestor represented the town of Ne ttin g~ ham in the reign of Edward the Third.