Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

116 rnan, true-hearted to God and his country, of a generous and liberal nature, and that thought nothing too deare to expose, nor too difficult to undertake, for his friend; one that delighted not in the ruin of his neighbours, but could endure it, rather then the destruction of religion, law, and liberty; one that wanted not courage, yet chose rather to venture himselfe as a single perso11 then a leader in armes, and to serve his country in councell then in action; there was no man in his nature, and his whole deportment, shew'd himselfe more a gentleman then he.' There was one l\1r. 'Vidmerpoole, a man of good extraction, but reduc'd to a small fortune, had declin'd all the splendor of an old house, and sunke into the way of the middle men of the country; yet had a perfect honest heart to God, his country, and his friend; he had a good discretion, and though he were elder then all the rest, yet was so humble, to be content to come in the reare of them all, having through the declining of his famely, the slendernesse of his estate, and the parsimony of his nature, lesse interest in the so late as the year 1750, at which time one of them represented the county; they are believed to be now extinct in the male line, and their possessions to have centered in a female who was the lady of Francis Ferrand Fo1jambc, Esq. v :Mr. Pigott survived Colonel Hutchinson about five years. He was summoned to parliament by Cromwell, but it is very uncertain whether he condescended to sit or no. Thoroton, in his history of Netts, says of him that re he was a person of g reat u parts., natural and acqu ired: he was sheriff of the county in 1669, and died presently '"' after the summer assizes; at which time being in mourning for his daughter :Mary, u wife of Robert, eldest son of Sir Francis Burdett, of l~ormark, he gave hi s attendants u black liveries with silver trimmings, which served for his own funeral. His sobriety, u .ingenuity, generosity, p iety, and other virtues, few of his rank will ever exceed, if u any equal." It is thought ,necessa~y to take more particular notice of what may appertain to Ireton, Colonel Thornhagh., and Mr. Pigott, because they .are the three persons who enjoyed the greatest share in the friendship and esteem of Colonel Hutchinson, and made him a due return..