Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

139 the besiegers, for all my Lord Willoughbic's men were disarm'd contrary to arLicles,' and with them, some of the Nottingham souldiers, that had gone into the towne, to re!i·esh themselves, and so were shut up with them, when my lord lay'd siege to it; the rest had gone to Lincolne. They had behaved themselves very well in the fight, where Captaine White receiv'd a wound in his hand in the forlorne hope; Collonell Thornbagh, who had fought very gallantly, was taken prisoner, and after he was stripp'd of his arms and coate, a maior of the enemie's, whom the collonell had slightly wounded in the fcn·or of the fight, 'came and basely wounded the collonell, being disarm'd, so that he left him for dead; but by the good providence of God, that wound which the enemie intended to give him death, gave him liberty; for comming to himself a little after his hurt, he crept to one of his owne tenant's homes, and there had his wounds bound up, and found meancs to gett to Lincolne, from whence all the forces that went from Nottingham disperst into different services. Maior lreton quite left Collonell 'l'hornhagh's regiment, and began an inseparable league with Collonell Cromwell, whose sonne in law he after was. None of them could returne to Nottingham, by reason of my Lord Newcastle's army, which lay between them and home. And now it was time for them at Nottinghani. to expect my Lord Newcastle, which the governor made provision for, with all the dilligence, that it was possible, under so many difficulties and obstacles, which would to any one elce have been discouragements; but he had so high a resolution, that nothing conq~er'd it. The townsmen, through discontent at the drawing out of the forces, whereby their houses, famelies, and estates, were expos'd, began to envie, then to hate the castle, as griev'd that aniething should be preserv'd Y:hen all could not; and indeed those who were more conr Particularly noticed by '"1hitelock.