Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

'13 was a father to all his prisoners, sweetning with such compassionate kindnesse their restraint, that the afliction of a prison was not felt in his dayes. He had a singular kindncsse for all persons that were eminent either in learning or armes, and when through the ingratitude and vice of that age many of the wives and chilldren of queene Elizabeth's glorious captaines were reduc'd to poverty, his purse was their common treasury, and they knew not the inconvenience of decay\! fortunes till he was dead: many of those valliant seamen he maintain'd in prison, many he redeem'd out of prison and chcrisht with an extraordinary bounty. If among his excellencies one outshin'd the rest, it was the generous liberallity of his mind, wherein goodnesse and greatenesse were so equally distributed that they mutually embellisht each other. Pride and coveteousnesse had not the least place in his brest. As he was in love with true honor, so he contemn'd vaine titles, and though in his youth he accepted an addition to his birth, in his riper yeares he refus'd a barondry, which the king offer'd him. He was severe in the regulating of his famely; especially would not endure the least immodest behaviour or dresse in any woman under his roofe. There was nothing he hated more · then an insignificant gallant, that could only make his !eggs and prune himselfe,- and court a lady, but had not braines to employ. · himselfe in things more sutcable to man's nobler sex. Fidelity in his trust, love and loyalty to his prince, were not the least of his yertues, but those wherein he was not excell'd by any of his owne or succeeding times. The large estate he reapt by his happic industry,' he did many times over as freely rcsignc againe to the king's service, till he left the greatest part of itt at his death in the king's hands. All his vertues wantecl not the crowne of all verlue, piety and true devotion to God. As his- life was a continued exercise of faith. and charity, it concluded with prayers and blessings, which c: :Mrs. Hutchinson, though a republican, does not fail justly to appreciate loyalty. 'The noble family of Bathurst, in which that of Apsley is merged by repeated mar- · riages, will with good title claim this as their appropriate virtue of inheritance.