Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

14 were the only consolations his desolate famely could receive in his death. Never did any two better agree in magnanimity and bounty then he and my mother, who seem'd to be acted by the same soule, so little did she grutch any of his liberallities to strangers, or he contradict any of her kindnesse to all her relations; her house being a common home to all of them, and a nursery to their children . He gave her a noble allowance of 3001. a yeare for her owne private expence, and had given her all her owne portion to dispose of how she pleas'd, as soone as she was marri ed; which she suffer'd to encrease in her friend's hands; and what my father allow'd her she ~pent not in vanities, although she had what was rich and requisite upon occasions, but she lay'd most of it out in p(ous and charitable uses. Sr. Waiter Rawleigh and Mr. Ruthin being prisoners in the Tower, and addicting themselves to chimistrie, she sufter'd them to make their rare experiments at her cost, partly to comfort ancl divert the poore prisoners, and partly to gaine the knowledge of their experiments, and the medicines to helpe such poore people as were not able to seeke to phisitians. By these means she acquir'd a greate deale of sk ill, which was very profitable to many all her life.' She was not only to these, but to all the other prisoners that came into the Tower, as a mother. All the time she dwelt in the Tower, if any were sick she made them broths and restoratives with her owne hands, visited and tooke care of them, and provided them all necessaries; if any were afiicted d Tbi s anecdote of Sir \Valter Rawleigh will no doubt att ract the notice of the obServant reader: it merits to be born in mind, as it will account for a passage in the memoirs, where :Mrs. Hutehinson is represented as acting the part of a surgeon in the siege of Notti ngham.castle: and as the treatment Sir Alien Apsley and his lady gave their pri soners fOrms a striking contrast with that which it will appear at the end of the history was practi sed by some of his successors, at a time when mildness seemed most requi site, and was most professed. Perhaps prejudice will render it incredible that in .the Bastile of Pari:;, which has become a proverbial expression to signify cruel durance, the conduct ofthe murdered governor resembled that of Sir Allen Apsley; it is nevertheless true.