Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

mory, which I need not guild with such flattt·ing commendations as the hired preachers doe equally give to ' the truly and titularly honorable; a naked undrest narrative, speaking the simple truth of him, will deck him with more substantia]] glorie, then all the panegyricks the best pens could ever consecrate to the vertues of the best men. Indeed that resplendant body of light, which the beginning and ending of his life made up, to discover the deformities of this wicked age, and to instruct the ening children of this generation, will through my apprehension and expression shine as under a very thick clowd, which will obscure much of their lustre; but there is need of this medium to this world's weake eies, which I fearc bath but few people in it so vertuous as can believe, because they find themselves so short, any other could make so large a progresse in the race of piety, honor, and verlu·e: but I am all most stopt before I sett forth to trace his steps; finding . the number of them by which he still outwent himselfe more then my unperf'ect arithme tick can count, and the exact figure of them such as my unskillfull pen cannot describe. I feare to iniure that memory which I would honor, and to disgrace his name with a poore monument; but when I have beforehand layd this necessary caution, and ingenuously confess'd that through my inabil lity either to receive or administer much of that wealthy stock of his glory that I was in trusted with for the benefJtt of all, and particularly his owne posterity, I must withhold a greate part from them, I hope I shall be pardon'd for drawing an imperfect image of him, especially when even the rudest draught that endeavours to counterfeit him, will have much delightfulllovelienessc in it. Let not ex cesse of love and delight in the strearne make us forgett the f(JUntaine, he and all his excellencies came frotn God, and flow'd back into their owne spring; there lett us seeke them, thither lett us hasten after him; there having found him, lett us cease to