Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

16 same time that he vanquisht any enemie, he cast away all his illwill to him, and entertain'd thoughts of love and kindnesse as soone as he ceast to be in a posture of opposition. He was as farre Ji·om meannesse as from pride, as truly generous as humble, and shew'd hi s noble spi ritt more in adversity then in his prosperous condition: he vanquisht all the spite of his enemies by his mauly suffering, and all the contempts they could cast at him were theirs, not his, shame. His whole life was the r1,1le of teltlperance in meate, drinke, apparell, pleasure, and all those things that may be lawfully cnjoy'd, and herein his t emperance was more excellent then in others, in whom it is not so much a vertue, but proceeds fi ·om want of appetite or gust of pleasme; in him it was a true, wise, and religious governement of the desire and delight he tooke in the things he enjoy'd. He had a certeine ac tivity of spiritt which could never endure idl~messe either in himselfe or others, and that made him eager for the time he indulg'd it as well in pleasure as in businesse: indeed, though in his youth he exereis'd innocent sports a little while, yell aften::ards his businesse was his pleasure; but how intent soevcr he were in aniething, how much soever it delighted him, he could freely and easi ly cast it away when God called him to something elce.-Ile had as much . modesty as could consist with a true vertuous assurance, and hated an impudent person. Neither in youth nor riper age could the most faire or enliceing weomen ever draw him so much as into unnecessary familliarity or vaine converse or dalliance with them, yet he despis'd nothing of the female sex but their follies and vanities; wise and vcrtuous weomen he lov'd , and delighted in all pure, holy, and unblameable conversation with them, but so as never to excite scandall or temptation. Scurri lous discourse even among men he abhorr'd, and though he sometimes tooke pleasure in witt and mirth, yet that which was