Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

47 Mr. I-lutchinson, after about 14 months various exercise of his mind, in the persuite of his love, being now at 'rest in the enioyment of his wife, his next dcsigne was to draw her into his owne country, but he would not set upon it too roughly, and therefore lett her rest awhile, when he had drawne her ten miles nearer it, out of the city where she had had her birth and education, and where all her relations where most conversant, and which she could not suddainely resolve to quitt for altogether, to betake herself to the north, which was a formidable name among the London lad ies, 'Vhile she was weaning from the friend s and places she had so long converst in, Mr. Hutchinson employ'd his time in making an entrannce upon the study of schoole divinity, wherein his father was the most eminent schollar of any gentleman in England, and had a most choyc;e library, 1 vallued at a thousand pounds; which J.\IIr. Hutchinson mistakingly expecting to be part of his inheritance, thought it would be very inglorious for him not to understand how t o make use of his father's bookes. Having therefore gotten into the house with him an excellent schollar in that kind of learning, he for two yeares made it the whole employment of his time, The gentleman that assisted him he converted to a righte beliefe in that grea te poynt of predestination, he having bene before of the Arminian iudgment, till upon the serious examination of both principles, and comparing them with the scriptures, Mr. Hutchinson convinc'd him of the truth, and grew so well instructed in this principle, that he was able to maintaine it against any man, At that time, this grea te doctrine grew much out of fashion with the prelates, but 1 This is spoken of in the prefa ce, and did in fact remain at Owthorpe, but probably was placed there by Charles, the son of Sir Thornas Hutchinson by his second wife: it was of excessively small value when tuken pos~ession of in the year 1776. It is apparent, from Sir Thomas Hutchinson being upon all the committees for Teligion, ns may be seen in Rushworth's collection, that he was in repute fOr this kind o f knowledge. K