Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

E je tobenant ape= penes`. III. Sinners, will youby Unbelief make vo e (if it werepoffible) thisCovenant, or not out by Chrift's Blood your Pardon, but think to get it force other ways, Sirs, all figot faving Grace is comprehended in this Covenant. 1V. What are all EartháL Legacies Tefla Chrift hath left in his L ment V. Terror. Let all fuch tremble that turn Chrift's Lail Will and Teflament into a Law of Works, or into a Conditional Covenant, or that give the Glory to their Faith, to their Obedience, or to the Creature', and let all fuch fear likewife that venture to alter any thing contained in Chrift's Lail Will and Te- (lament. Laflly,Do not forget your dying Friend ; O keep up his Remembrance in thofe Holy Signs of his Death andSuffering which he hath left inhis word, This do in remembrance of me. I. Cor. T Y. I {hall now proceed to the next thing pro- 24. pofed under this General Head. ?he pro- Fourthly, After a Covenantof Peace is rati- fied and confirmed, it is proclaimed, and fo it o, f xh; is here alfo ; this is the next thing, God affifl- peat{. ing, I shall fpeak to. --And now, as Peace among Men is commonly publifhed by a Pro- clamation, fohath God gracioufly ordered this Peace to be publifhed by a Proclamation.Alfo, And in fpeaking to this I {hall r . Shew y,ou what is the Proclamation of this Peace. 2. Who they are that God bath authorized to Proclaim it. , 4 7. -rcjx