Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

134 Zbe Dufplap of'Nogouoemu t 4r, 7., He hathall the excellent Properties of a Meílenger, or of an Ambalfador of Peace. 1.A regular Call; or Authority, this he re- ceived from the Father. . Wifdom, Heexcels inWisdom andKnow- 1 ,çor. i. ledge, he is the Wifdom of God, and in him is 24. hid all the 7reafTres of Wifdom and Knowledge ; Col. 2.3. never Man fpake like him. 3. Faithfulnefs, He was Faithful to him that ¡lel. 3! 2° appointed him, as alfa was Mofes ; and as Faith - beb.7.27. fill tous, witnefs his Death, and alfo his con- tinual Interceffion now in Heaven. Phil. 2. 4. Lowly, andof a Condefcending Spirit ; Flow 5; 6, 7 didhe abafehimfelf to become God's Servait, that is hisown Eternal Son ; nay, our Servant, he came to ferve us, andwas as one that fer- ved, while here on Earth. Joh.4.6. 5. Alive and Diligent, It is my Meat and Drink to do the Will of him that fent me. 6. Swift and Speedy, Howmuch Work did he do in three Tears and a half? For Swiftnefs, he is compared to an Hart, or youngRoe. But no more as to this. II. jefus Chrill hath fubftituted, ordained, or appointed others under him, forhim, and in his dead to be his Ambaffadors of this Peace Q efl. Who are they i .Anfiv. Negatively, they are not the Holy Angels, tho it is true, the Angels brought the Good News of his Arrival, or firft coining in- to the World, and alfo proclaimed Glory to God on high, on Earth Peace, Good Will to .Men : Yet thefehe hathnot appointed to be his Arn- a adors of Peace : No, no, they areMenn, Gofpel-M.iriílers