Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

e e obenant ofpent Operketl. 135 2. Yet Negatively, they are not all which are called Gofpel-Minifters. z . Some are Legal Minifters, Preachers of a Law, who know not what they fay, nor what they affirm, ,yet not Preachers only of Mofes Law, but or a New Law, turning- the Gofpel, or Free Promife of God, and Eternal Life (to filch that believe in Jefas) in- to a Law of Imperfect Faith, and Sincere Obedi- ence, as the Matter andCondition of Juftifica- tionbefore God ; and indeed they feem L.-) vio- late the Perfe& Law of God, as if that was abolifhed, and a newLaw, or Rule of Obedi- enceprocured by Chrift's Merits in its room. 2. Not fuch that only Preach Good Man- ners, or Morality,tho. Chrift's Minifters Preach this ; yet to Preach this, is not toPreach Chrift andPeace to loft Sinners ; neither is this the great Doc`lrine contained in their Mifon, but, z ear.2.2. Chrift only, and him Crucified. 3. Not fuch that are Minifters of .Man's ma- king, that come to their Miniftry as Men come to Trades, who perhaps never knew Chrift themfelves, or were ever Converted Can fuch be Chrift's Minifters ? 4. Not filch that Preach the Moral Law, as it is written in Mens Hearts, or that call the Light or Law that is in. all Men, the true Chrift of God; no, thefe are Deceivers, andSatan in themhath transformed himfelf into an Angel of Light. 5. Not fuch that denythe GodheadofChrift and his atoning Sacrifice, or that Satisfaaion he gave to the Law and Juftice of God. K 4 6. Not