Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

The T A B L E. xi 2.. Why Chrift became our Surety, íhewed for 5 Reafons, p.92. 3. What he was to do, as our Surety, íhew- ed in nine Particulars, p,93. to ¡oz. q.. Shewing how his Suretifhip differs from Suretifhip among Men, in three things, p.I o21 I03, I04. A grand Objeaion anfwered, p.I o3 Our Debts are paid, and yet freely forgi -.. ven, íhewed in 7 Refpeas, p.104,105. SERM. V. The Ratification of the Covenant, (1 .)How between theFather and the Son, p.109,1 10. (2.) By the Death of Chrift, p.1I I,I12. Chrift a Teftator; what a Teftator figni- fies, Shewing why the Covenant comes under the Notion of a Teftament, or Chrift's Laíf: Will, p.112. A Sevenfold of of Chrift's Death, p. 113, to 116. The Ufe, p. I 17, &c. I. The Proclamation ofPeace, what. 2. WhoGod hath appointed toproclaim it. «. 3. The Nature of the Proclamation. ,q,. The Terms upon which it is proclaimed, p.119, I20. 'Tis theGofpel, why it maybe fo called, opened in 10 Particulars, p. 120. to125. What a kind of Book the Gofpel is, (hewed, in 7Particulars, p.125,126. The life, p. 128, &c. SE RM.