Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

62 LieDifPhWW of VoOtto Ohre íòh.5.22. in the Dayof Judgment ; For the rather 1udg_ eth no Man, but bath committed all Judgment to the Son : All Judgment in the Adminillration of the Mediatory Kingdom, is given to Jefus Chrift, and in and by the Son will God Judge 40.7.31, the World : Becaufe he bath appointed a Day in the which he will 5udge the World in Righteoufne f by that Man whom he bath ordained, whereof he bath given affurance to all Men in that he bath raifd him from the Dead. The Mediator of this Peace !hall Judge all Men, he !hall execute Judgment, becanfe he is the Son of Man ; and ß°b5.23 this God will do, That all Men may honour the Son, even as they honour the Father : Which !hews, that the fame Honour andDivine Wor- lhip is due toChrift, that is due toGod theFa- ther, he being thevery fameEternal God. So much at prefent as toChrifl'sWork, as Media- tor of this Covenant of Peace. Andnow letme apply this, before I proceed to the next thing, which is the Suretifhipof Chrift. .fIPPLICA71®.N. I. We infer from hence; that Sin is exceed- ing finful : Owhat Evil is there in Sin ! That nothing can atone for it, nor make our Peace, but theBlood of the Lord Jefus Chrift the Me- diator. It is not his bare Pleading, but it mull be doneby his bleeding or dying for us, or in our flead : And O how great was that Breach, whichnothing couldmake up, but fuch a Bloo- dy Sacrifice! 2. We