Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Vibe Coi.enant ofpeace OpQnPtia 7 every one ought to know, and alfo the Work of thrift in refpe& had unto each Office, or what peculiarly relates ,to his Prieftly Office, and what to his Kingly Office, and what to his Prophetical Office, dre. A little to each of thefe. 1. He is a Prieft, and as a Prieft he is the Pro- Chriji a pitiationfor o.Lr Sins ; he hath fatisfied jultice by Prieft. a condign Price, the Price of the Blood of I J®h.2,2 him who is God, he paid our Debts to the laft Farthing ; as a Prieft he laid down the Atoning Sacrifice, and thereby quenched theFlames of God's Divine Wrath and Vengeance, which o.. otherways would have fed on us to an endlefs Eternity. 2. And as a Prieft he interceeds now in Hea- ven, that all thofe for whom he died may be called, and have the Merits of his Blood ap- plied to their Souls ; and that all that are cal led, and do believe, may have all that Grace which they need beltowed upon them, to help them to refift Temptations, and tobe fupport- edunder all Trials and Affliaions, and be en- abled to perform all HolyDuties, and have all their Sins pardoned. If any Man fin, we g joh. 242. have an Advocate with the Father, e(i s Chrift the .Righteous ; he prefents his Righteoúfnefs, the Deferts, Merits, and Satisfaction of his Blood, for Remiffìonof all their Sins, neither can Sin be chargedat any time upon any Believer, as to that Vindicative Wrathwhich is Bite to it, becaufe hepleads the Satisfaction of his own Bloodas their full Difcharge from the Guilt and Punifhment thereof for ever ; for otherwife F 2 Juftified