Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

One error of the limes de- tetted. ebe Dtfptav OfOtog.atioego: Or, of God, and for our good, and to give us in- ttreff in all the Bleffings of the Covenant of Peace. Objection. 'Tis objected, That Chrift did not fifer for Sinners as a common Perfon, Head, and Reprefentative of all theElea, or theirSurety, but did all meerly ass a Mediator, or as one indeavour- ïng to compote the Difference ,betwixt God and Sinners. i Anfir. I anfwer, Sad it is to fee how in thefe Perilous Days Men are degeneratedfrom the Apoffolick Doarinein this molt important cafe, and oppofe all our Author1Ì'roteftant Wri- ters, and deny Chrift to be a Common Perfon, Head, Reprefentative, and Surety, &c. but that he, as Mediator, hath by his Death meri- ted a new and mildLaw of Grace, i. e. ofFaith andSincere Obedience, andhath made a Compen- fation to the Juífice ofGod, andLaw of Works, and fo removed the Lawof perfeEt Obedience, or abolished it for ever ; fo that now Goddeals with us not according to the lfric`t. Law ofper- feft Obedience, but according to this New Law, i. e. on eafier Conditions, viz. fuch that believe and fincetely obey, shall be Jultified even fo far as they doObey, and are San&ified ; not thatChrift's Obedience to the Law, or that his Athve and Paf/ive Obedience imputed to us, and our miffing in him according to the Free Promife of God, is the immediate and foie caufe of Pardon,, by virtue of Chriff's Sa- tisfadion ; but that tho Chrift hathmade God a means for Legal Righteoufnefs, having fa- tisfred that Law, and took it away ; yet our Obedi-