Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part L METAPHORS FROM M AN's LrFE. <J'he B!'riNG of the FLESH, Job. xiii. 14. is transferred to the Mind, J take away my Flejh with my 'l'eeth, that is, confume myfelf with Cares. xix. 5· Eccl. iv. 5· r6r why jhould See 1 Sam. BLOOD in a Metaphor, as 11/yricus fays, Cl. Script. Col. 1083. lign~fies fpiritual Death, or eternal Deftruflion, Ezek. iii: r8. and xxxiii. 8. Atts xviii. 6. and xx. 26. &c. Of Metaphors from fuch 'Things as concern the Life of Man. TO the Body and its Members aptly fucceeds its Union with the Sotil, whence Life proceeds. The Word SOUL has no metaphorical Notion, except when attributed to God, which belongs to an .-fnthropopathy, ,as was before expounded. LIFE is ufed metaphorically; as living Waters are put for fuch as flow brifkly, and plentifully, Gen. x~vi. 19. Prov. x. IJ. Jer. ii. 'J· and xvii. 13, &c. 'l'ime is faid to live, and a Bmldmg, to be quzckmed, of which before Chap. 9· Seer. 4· See Hab. iii. 2. To Live and Life, are put for Happinefs, Strength, and H ealth, I Kings i. 25. Pfal. lxix. 32, 33· Eccl. vi. 8. HEAL'l'H or SOUNDNESS is put for the Word or Dottrine of God and eternal Life, the Confcquence of receiving it, I 'l'im. i. IO. and vi. 3· 2 'l'im. i. '3· and iv. 3· '!'it. i. 9· '3· and ii. r, 2, 8. Hereby is denoted the Condition and Q8ality, as well as the Fruit and Efficacy of both, &c. ~o CURE or HEAL metaphorically lignifies a Deliverance or Rdl:oration from Calamity, Adverlity or Trouble, Exod. xv. 26. 2 Chron. vii. I4. and xxxvi. 16. John xiii. 4· Prov. i1i. 8. xii. 18. xiii. I7- and xiv. '3· Ifa. iii, 7· and lviii. 8. Jer. viii. 22. and xxx. 13, 14, 17. Lam. ii. 13. Hof xiv. 5· And when tranOated to the Soul it denotes the free Pardon and Remillion of Sin, (that o;fcafe of the Soul) through the Merits of our Blelfed Redeemer, Pfal. vi. 2. xl;, 4· and cxlvii. 3· Ifa. vi. IO. xix. 21. xxx. 26. and liii. 5· Jer. iii. 22. Mal. iv. 2. Matt. xiii. 15. (with Mark iv. 12.) John xii. 40. Atls xxviii. 27. 1 Pet. ii. 24, &c. And in J{egard the Knowing and Manifefl:ation of the Difeafe and its Caufe, is the Beginning of a Cure, therefore this ·Term is elegantly transferreci to the Miniflers of the Word, whofe Office it is to !hew People their Sins, and rebuke them, Jer. vi. 14· 'They have healed the Bruife of the Daughter of my People flight!y-, that Is, did not reprehend, as much as need was. To Health, are oppofed in general, Difeafes, Griefs, Pains, Wounds, Stripes, &c. in which there is a metaphorical TranOation, r. To Inanimates, 2 Kings iii. '9· And ye jhall grieve (or pain) every good Piece of Land with Stones 1:lN:In; that is, cover, corrupt or mar it. It denotes the Irrup– tions of Enemies to annoy the whole Jewijh Polity, Deut. xxix. 22, 23. Ifa. i. 5, 6, 7, S. 2. To Man, denoting his depraved Nature, Jer. xvii. 9· Pfal. xxxviii. 3, So 7, 8. Ifa liii. 4· lv[att. ix. 12, 13· Mark ii. 17. Luke v. 31, 32. I 'l'im. vi. 4· a corrupt captious W rangier about Words and Quefl:ions is called vo~wv jick about !i(.ueftions, to which is elegantly oppofed, Verfe iii. of the wholefome Words ("'Y"' "Y'~""" for fozmd Speeches) of our Lord J efus Chrifl:. All human Calamities which affii(,l: a Man, like a Difeafe, are reprefented by this Similitude, Pfal.lxxvii. 1o. Jer. x. I 9· Job ix. I 7· Eccl. v. I 2, 15 and vi. 2. !fa. i. 6. and xxx. 26. Jer. xv. 8. and xxx. 12, I4, 15. L am. ii. 13· Hof v. 13. Wounds denote !harp Reprehenfions, Prov. xxvii. 6. See Pfal. clxi. 5· More efpecially what are adverfe to Health, and metaphorically ufed are, BRANDS or MARKS or Scars of vV mmds are put for Perfecution for the Confeffion of Chrifl: which Sr. Paul gives an Account of with Reipeer to himfelf, as you may fee by thw Catalogue, r Cor. iv. 2 Cor. vi. and xi. What a feared Confcience is, we have before fpoke In Metaphors taken from Fire. T t LEANNESS