Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

METAPHORS FROM HUMAN SENSE. Book I. . LEANNESS, 'I'HINNESS, &c. are put for Calamities, Punifhments and Anouifh lfa. xvii. 4· and xxiv. 16. Ezek. xxxiii. 10. Zeph. ii. 11. (Pfal. lxxiii. 8. it is fp~ke of Tyrants.) Rottemtefiof Bones, denotes Dolors and Terrors of Mind, Prov. xiv. 30. Hab. 111. 16. Prov. XII. 4· 'l'o Rot, IS to penfh, Prov. x. 7· '!'he PLAGUE denotes a very mifchievous and deftroying Man, Ails xxiv. 5· where Paul was accounted by the Wicked Jews a peftilent Fellow. Poifon, a very killing and fatal Ingredient, that commonly deftroys Men, unlefs expelled by very fovereion and powerful Antidotes, denotes devilifh Doctrine, as alfo the Malice and Malignity of the ·wicked, who (as far as they can) deftroy the Souls, Bodies and good Name of honeft pious Men, Deut. xxxii. 33· Pfal. lviii. 4· Rom. iii. 13. To Life is oppofed DEATHwhich is either the Privation of natural Life, becaufo of the Separation of the Soul from the Body: or the Privation ofJpiritual and heavenly Life, becaufe of the Separation of the Soul from God through Sin. Both thefe not tJJetaphorically, but properly are to be underftood, Gen. ii. 17. But to die is ufed metaphorically, when Believers are faid to die to Sin, Rom. vi. 2, 7• 11. that i; to renounce it, and to be idle and unfruitful with refpect to it, as a dead Man naturally neither acts nor operates. But, To be dead in Sins and Trejpafles is quite another Thing, Eph. ii. I, 5· for that denotes fpirirual Death, when Men by Sin feparate themfdves from the Grace of God, and the Hope of eternal Life, when their Sins are not remitted : In which Senfe Matt. viii. 22. John v. 25. 1 Tim. v. 6. are taken. Paul aiferrs himfelf robe dead to the Law, Gal. ii. 19. that is, the Accufation or Curfe of it, for he could not by that be juflified, nor did he depend upon Works but upon free Grace, and fo was dead as to that Hope, (viz. of a legal Juftification) as a dead Man has not the Power of Operation, See Rom. vii. 4, 1 o. To be deadfrom the Elements of the World, Col. ii. 20. is to be freed by Chrift from the Obfervation of the Difference of Leviti;a/ Meats and the Mofaita/ Ceremonies (this was the JewiOI P,£dogogy) by which God informed the World, Gal. iv. 3· And Col. iii. 3· (fee 1 John iii. I.) Believers are faid to be dead to the World, &c. which denotes a Renunciation ofits depraved Concupifcences, and mad Pleafures-, the Text Jays, for ye are dead, and your Life is hid with Chrift in God; that is, as Erafmus fays in his Paraphrafe: ye fee m dead to this World, becaufe ye do not relilh the Glories thereof, nor are moved with thofe Vanities which Worldlings admire. Therefore you do not live here fo, as to attract the fplendid Notice of Men, but you live in Chrift with God, although your Life is hid according to the Judgment of the World, &c. Death is attributed to Seed, or Corn caft into the Earth, John xii. 24. I Cor. xv. 36. not becaufe it perifhes, but becaufe of its Change, it becoming the Root of much Fruit. In the firft Text, it tacitly denotes the Death of Chrift, and in the fecond the Death of Be!ie·vers, whofe Refurrection is alfo denoted by this Similitude or Metaphor of a Corn, or Grain. Of Metaphors from Human Senfe. • GENERALLY Feeling, Smfe, or the Jnftrument of Senfe, (called in Greek a.HrB'J'lp.a., cu0'6na-1;, a.icr9'11np1oyJ are transferred to the Miud, which Metaphor, is frequent among the Latins, Luke ix. 45· that they may not .. ,.ew.... a• feel it, that is underftand it, as it is expounded, Chap. xviii. 34· Phi/. i. 9· what we tranOare J udg– ment in the Greek is ,..g,.,, Senfe, viz. a lively Faith in Chrift. Tit. i. I, 2. John xvii. 3· !fa. liii. I 1. See Rom. v. I, 5· viii. IO, 17. and xiv. •7· See alfo Heb. v. 14. with I Cor. ii. I :1> 15. SIGH'l" or SEEING denotes Experience or Enjoyment, Exod. xx. I8. N umb. xx. 23. Pfal. iv.6, 7· xvi. 9, 10. xxvii. 12, 13. xxxiv. 12, 13. xlix. 10, 11. lx. 4, 5• lxxxix. 48, 49· xc. 49, 50. xci. ·15, 16. xcviii. 2, 3· and cxxviii. 6. Eccl. viii. 16. (where, to fee Oeep, denotes to Oeep; fo, to fee Corneption in Death, Pfal. xvi. 9• 10.) Eccl. ix. 9· Ija. xliv. I6. Jer. xvii. 8. and xliii. 14. Lam. iii. 1. Luke ii. 26. (where to fee death fignifies to die) L.uke xvii. 22. John viii, SI, 56. Rev. xviii. 7• &c. Efpecially