Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. OF A METONYMY OF THE CAUSE. 7 Regula, a Rttle, figoifies that Space meafured by it, as if God had divided the World among the /!poflles, that th.ey lhould preach in their particular and refpeetive Precincts or allotted Places. MONEY is put for Property or E)/ate purchafed by Money, Exod. xxi._ 21. for he is his Money, that is, he purchaftd or bought htm wtth hts Money, and.ts to htm as good as Mo.ney. 3· A 'I'hing or /!flion is put for the E./Jell produced by that 'l'bing or 4fliq11. THIS .Kind of Metonymy is to he found diftinctly io Nouns and Verbs, of which we ~re. to note, that feme are referred hither, "'"1-•y~< or by Way of Analogy, i~t which as I may fpeak, there. is a .-u..-~1""''"• Connotation, or Confignification, that is, when the Thing or Action is not to be underftood ftrialy for the Effect, bur together with its Effect and Confequent. In Norms; certain Terms which fignify Affec1ion are put for their E./Jeers, as 1 John iii. x. Behold, what Manner of Love the Father bath be}Jowed upon us, that <ve Jh•uld be called the Soi/J of Gor}. The Emphajis is great here, as if Jehovah had faid th•t he hath gracioufiy gi.ven u.s his ow11 very Love, whilft he adopts us into the Privilege ofSonfbip. By beftowing this Blelling he bcftows bimftlf, and makes himfelf one with us, for he is Love, 1 Jobn iv. 8. MERCY is put for the B~nefit and Commiferation that proceeds from it, Cm. xx. I 3.' and xxxii. J 3· I am lefs than the (or l am not worthy of the) leafl of thy Mercies. 2 Chro11. xxxv. J 6. By the fame Trope the Greeks call '"'"l'·'•v'"'• • Alms whattbey give in Cha– rity to the Poor, _lv[atth. vi. 1. Luke xi. 41. Afls x. 2, 4· Motum internum /ignificat, quo inclinmtur homines ad miferenduw pauperis. Chamier; that is, it fignifies an internal Motion by which Men arc inclined to pity the Poor. ANGER is put for Punijhment pr Vmgeance which proceods fromA11ger, Pfal.lx~ix. 6. Pour out thy Wrath (or Anger) upon the Heathm, &c. Micah. vii. 9· I will bear the Alf– ger or Jndignetion of the Lord, &c. Ram. ii. 5· But after tby Hm·dmfs and imprnite11t Heart treafure}J up unto thyfelf.Wratb agai;<;1 the Day of fVratb, &c. See Rom. iii. 5· and iv. 15. and xiii. 4, 5· Eph. v. 6. &c. A11ger is put for • Command given in Anger, I Sam. xxviii. o8. Becaufe thou o!Jeyedfl vrot the Voice of the Lord, nor executed)/ bi~fiercc Wi·atb (or Anger) upon Amalek, &c. JUDGMENT is put for Ptmijhmmt and Caftigation or CorreCtion, E!!od. vi. 6. I will redeemyou (lfraelites) withg•·eat Judgments, that is, great Punifhments upon Phara.oh. Prtr<J. x.ix. 29. Judgments (that is Punifbments) are prepared for Scorners, &c.-when I fend my fore Jv.dgmmts 11po;z 'Jerufalem, that is, Punifbmenrs, &c. See Ezek. xiv. 21. Rom. ii. 3· 1 Cor. xi. 29. 1 Pet. iv. •7· It is put for Condemnation, Jer. xxvi. I 1. Jph" iii. 18, 19. 2 Pet. ii. 3· In 1Cor. xi. 29. it is faid, He tbat eatetb and drinketh unwor– Jbily, eaJeth al!d drinketh Damnati•n, but in the Greek it is "f'l"" which fignifies Judg– <ment. S/Nwith thejjiJrn!pnousTrrm.r i< put for the Punijhmwt of Sin, Gm. ix. I§' '!'he Angels bajfened Lot, fa)'i~tg, arife, lake th:;• Wife qnd /by two Daugbters which are here, left tbot< be co1jirmed i11 tbe briquity of tbc City, that is, in the Punifbment of the City. Pfnl. vii. I6. His Sia (or Mifchief) jh.tll rettmz upon bis ow;r Head; that is, the merited or condign Punilhment. See ]er. xi•. 16. .Zech. xiv. I 9• With a Verb, that fignifies to bear or carry, it intimates the Guilt and ConviCtion t-hat precedes Punifhmcnr, which .muft cerpiuly follow, as Exod. xxviii. 43· Lev•.v. 1. • ~l'.f~UJ11 Elremf:frr:a, f/1 _r,tnuJ om~ttl>f!J:Jicli q:uui in mifiros coNfcrtur, Bcza. Tht: word fignifieth P..ftrry and Pi!J, therefore •ll _m~ft ~to,ee4 tfom a merciful anJ pitiful Heart. and