Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Part I. OF A METONYMY OF THE SUBJECT.- ( ·d we arc derided hated and abufed'by the World, and that not in a Corner, but as i;'tl;e whole Earth ,;ere gathered together in one 'I"heatre to fatiate and pleafe themfelves with beholding our Miferies. A CITY is put for Citizens, Jer. iv. 29: '!"he whole City foal! ftee----'Shall go into ']"hickets and climb upon the Rocks, fo !fa. XIV..3'· Jer._xxVI. 2, &c. J.~rufa!em, Ch?ra– zin, Bethjaida, Capern~um are put for _their Inhabztants, Matth. 111. 5· Mark 1. 5· Mattb. xxiii. 37· and xt. 21, 23. .I!Els XVIII. 25. Jud. v. 7, 11, &c. To this by Analogy may be referred thefe that follow. HEAVEN is put for God, who is faid to ~well m the Heavens, a_~d there manifefrs his Glory and Maje!l:y to Angels anc;l glonfied Spmts, Pfa!.lxxm. 9· They jet their Mouth againfl the Heavens and thetr Tongue walketh through the Earth, that Is, they Jicentiouay vent their Blafphen:ies again!l: God~ and contumelious Words ~~ainll: Mankind. See more Examples m Da11.1v. 23. with Verfe 22 and 29. 1 Kzngs VII!. 32. Matth. xxi. 25. '!"he Baptifm of John whence is it .2 from Heaven or of Mm? that is, from God, or Men, fo Luke xx. 4· Luke xv. 18. Father, I haveji11ned againft Heaven, that is, againft God. '!'he HEAR'!" is put for the Soul, which is radica1ly in the Heart as Its proper Sear, Pfal. xiv. 3, 4· arid lxxxiv._ 3· _1 Pet. iil. +· Heb. xiii. 9, &c: The BELLY is put for ih<; Heart which (viz. Heart) ts hkewife put for the Soul and Its Acts and Cogitations, Job xv. 3S· Prov. xviii. 8, and xx. 27. and xxvi. 22. and xxii. 18. Hab, iii. 16. John vii. 38. 3· '!"be Poffeffor is put f~r the 'J"bing poffeffed. GEN. xv. 3· Behold the Son _of mine Houft, fo the Hebrew, inheri_ts me, that is, my' Goods and Eft'ate. Deut. IX. 1. 'l"o po.f!efs Natzons greater and mzghtzer than tbyfelf, that is, the Countries of the Gentiles, for the People themfelves were not to be pof– feffed but cut off by the Command of God, as Verfe 2, 3· See 2 Sam. viii. 2. Pfal. lxxix. 7· For they have devoured Jacob; that is, his Riches and Goods. '!"he PRINCE is put for his JurifdiElion, Mcttth. ii. 6. .llnd thou, Bethlehem, in th~ Land of J uda, art not the leaft among the Princes of J uda, that is, the Principalities or Prefectures of Juda, which were difringuifhed by 'Ihoufands, as I Sanz. x, 1 9· '!"he NAME of GOD is put for Oblations offered to him, as Jojh. xiii. 33· '!"he Lord God •f Ifrae/ was their Inheritance, (viz. the Levites) which is expounded, Verfe. 14- Onlj unto the 'Iribe of Levi he gave no Inheritance, the Sacrifices of the Lord God of Ifraet made by Fire are their Inheritance, &c. and Jojh. xviii. 7. 'Ihe Priefthood of the Lord is their (the Levites) Inheritance-Deut. x. 9· '!"he Lord is his Inheritance, &c. See Ezek. xliv. 28. CHRIS'I" is put (or the Church (or Believers who are his peculiar People, '!"it. ii. 14. I Pet. ii. 9.) Mattb. xxv. 35· For I was an bungred, and ye gave me Meat, &c. fays Chrifr, and Verfe 40. it is thus expounded, In as much asye have done it unto one ofthe leaft of theft my B•·ethren, ye have done it unto me• .I!Els ix. 4, 5· Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me? I am Jefus, whom thou perfecuteft, whereas Verfe 1, 2 . it is faid that Sau! perfecuted the Difciples of Chri.ft. So 1 Cor. xii. 12. So alfo is Chri.ft, that is, his Church, hath many Members, and many Believers do conftitute one Body of Chrifr, or one Church, for it follows, Verfe 13. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body ; Chri!l: therefore is put for his myftical Body, or which is the fame Thing; that which properly belongs to a Body is attributed toChrifr, bccaufe of his myfrical Union with Believers. For the fame Reafon the Afflictions of Chrifr are called the Afflictions of the Saints, Col. i. 24. • Upon which Place Lyranu5 fays thus, '!"he Pajjions or Sufferings of Chri.ft are two-fold, oue he ~udured in his own proper Body, as Hunger, 'I"hirfl, yea, evert Death, and in this Senfe there was nothing to be filled up-'I"he other he jufjers in his Members who are Believers, when they are perfecuted, ajjliEled, and opprejfed for his Sake. And this is the Meaning of the Apoftle here when he {ays, who Now rejoice in my Suf- • See more Ac1; xx. z8. Phi/. iii. 12. Pj11!, xvi. 6. Eph. v. 30, 32-t F feringr