Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 92 J their Drefs, and yet flrongly object and inflame the Protefant Populace thro' the Nation againfl the only Habit that could be attended with any Advantage. Thoufands ofpoor ignorant People, who had been accuflom'd to Divine Offices, where fuck a Drefs was ufed, would not hear or regard a Man in another Habit. Their Ignorance and Weaknefs call'd for the charitable Condefcenfion of their more knowing Superiors. Thefe Habits, and the fewCeremonies retain'd, were agreeable to the Lutheran Pro- teflants, to many moderate Calvinifls, and to thofe who, approving King Edward's Reformation, follow'd it in their Banifliment. They were alfo of great Service, if n-t abfolute Neceffity, to keep many in a Proteflant Chuurch, who had been perverted in Queen Mary's Time. By thefe moderate and prudent Meafures the Papifls were con- tinued in the Church for feveral Years, and of Courfe great Numbers brought off from their falfe Opinions and Idola- trous Worfhip. It fhould be remem- ber'd alfo, tho' Mr. N. is pleafed to fupprefs it, that theQueen publifh'd an authentick Declaration, that no Holi- nefs or fpecial Worthinefs was imputed to the prefcribed Habits. Theywere ufed only to diftinguifh the Clergy, as many