Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

96 , Zeal was (hewn for this Platform, what- ever Encomiums and fine Titles given to this HolyDifcipline, this DivineGo- vernment, as it is calla, of Ruling El- ders, there are fame Circumflances that attend it, far enough from making it appear very amiable. One is, that a Man knows not what Laws or Canons, what eftablifhed Rules, or fettled Or- ders, he is to be try'd by. Thefe Lay Elders are to judge, as they fay, ac- cording to the Word of God, their own Senfe of it, they always mean. What this Senfe may be, or how it may vary, who can anfwer ? By thismeans, a few Tradefmen in Cities, or Farmers in Country Parilhes, may brand a Man as a Sinner, or a fleretick, beingJudges of Opinions as well as AElions, according to their own arbitrary and fovereign Determination. 'Tis but calling them- felves a holy Synod, a facredConfifto- ry, and then they may judge as they P. i6. pleafe. Mr. N. complains, that " it " lyes in the Breaft of the yudges to " declare what Canoas are contrary to " the Laws or Rights of the Crown, " which is more for the King's Prero- " c gative, than to make a Collation of " Ecclefiaftical Laws, which fhould be " fix'd and immoveable." This Re- mark of his is founded upon a Claufe in an