Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 3 , all. If the Original of thefe unhappy Difputes was in the main very infgnifz- cant or groundlefs, theRetinal ofthem is 1E11 more improper. For the fake of Chriflianity, therefore, and the Pro- teftant Caufe, 'tis to be hoped, that every Attempt to awaken the Paßîons of Mankind upon fuch Points, will be for ever difcouraged by the Friends of Truth and Liberty. Why should Pro- teftants bite and devour? why calumni- ate or reproach each other ? or why endeavour to afperfe and blacken the great Founders of the Reformation ? The common Enemy can do enough of This. 'Tis pity aHillary of the Puri- tans lately publithed by Daniel Neal, MA. íháuld give Occafion for fuch Re- fletians ! If either Party has offended, as it may be each in its Turn has done, fince thofe Offences now ceafe, let them be buried in eternal Oblivion; not only be forgiven, but abfolutely forgot. Iliacos intra muros peccatur & extra. If the Laws were fomewhat fevere upon the Puritans, they, when they had got the Power into their own Hands, took ample Revenge contrary toLaw. Thefe things are paff; for the future, if the Nation is not to be blefs'd with a more perfect Agreement, yet, as Chriflians, and as Proteflants, let us B 2 join