Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[103] Calviniflis Elders, mull have fallen un- der the Cenfures of a Lutheran Con- fiftory, and fo vice verf ; for as thefe Confiftories claim their Power by /Di- vine Right, they were not to be regu- lated by human Laws, the whole Go- Aamon, r; vernment of the Church being commit- ted to themfelves. Rather than em- bark in fuch a Scheme, the Bithops and Clergy chofe to continue the difcourag- ng Wickednefs, by publick Exhorta- tions, as well as private Advice and Ad- monition, . and every other lawful Me- thod, till the Difcipline of the Church could be made more perfeó and ef- fehual. We have now Peen, that the Scheme of the Puritans, or Favourers of the Geneva Model, was attended with ma- ny Difficulties, and liable to ftrong Ob- jeóions ; that they had no confiderable or valid Obje&ion to the Eftahlifhment of the Proteftant Religion much more Catholicle and comprehenfive than any propofed in its (lead. This was not only more unexceptionable than any other; but befdes its nearer Conformity to Scripture in force Particulars, and the earlieft Praóices oftheChriftian Church in others, there were force additional Arguments in its Favour. H 4 It