Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

{ 1o6 1 but had alto in a manner beenuniverfal- ly oomply'd with. When the Popith strype'S Ann. Bithops advifed the Queen, in a Letter val. p'4r°wrote for that Purpofe, not to be led affray, and perfuaded to embrace Schifms and Herefies in the lieu of the tba,46.,47. Catholick Faith, the juflly upbraids them with their former Compliance, and thereupon adds, who then are Schifmaticks and Ilereticks? When the Emperor and ¶opilh Princes warmly interpofed for the Popith Bithops and Clergy, the was the better able to deny their Requefts, as the could alledge, via. %E/ix." that the Popith Bithops had infolent- Letter I .s. « ly and openly oppofed the Laws and thePeace of the Realm ; anddid f ill cc wi u fly reject that Dotrine which CC many of them had publickly own'd `` and declared in their Sermons dur- ing King Henry VIII. and King Edward VI. their Reigns." It was of great Confequence to the Queen, to be able to give fo gooda Reafon, when the refufed aFavour importunatelyask'd by Powers fo very confiderable.' Befides, the contriving a newForm, and overturning at once all the Ecclefza,f/i- cal Laws and Ufages, muff have been attended with inJìtperable Difficul- ties. What different Opinions, what Debates, what irreconcileable Animo- fities