Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 109 J " againí1 the Hypocrites of their Time, " on our Side. A Straw for Popish " 'Policy." But, notwithstanding this abufive Language, the prudent Mea- fures taken by Queen Elizabeth jufily entitle her to great Efieem, and expofe her Adverfaries to great Contempt. The Zeal the difcovered, and the Ha- zards the ran, for the Proteltant Religi- on, defervedother Returns, than afperf- ing and difturbing her Government. Mr. Strypehas preferved a moll humane Life°f Arch` Letter from Archbifhop Parker top' ,8 Parker' Mr. Sampfon, a famous Puritan, with a remarkable Paíiage to this Purpofe, wherein with muchGravity and Sweet- nefs he perfuaded him to unite himfelf with the Praóiceenjoined in the Church. Mr. Sampfon, after my hearty Com- " mendations, I am glad that my Let- " tcrs, in your Behalf, to the Church, " took fuch Effe t as you defired " So again I have written my Letter, " to obtain your other Requell ; pray- ingyou iñ jefusChri f to fulveagainfl " this great Offendicle rifen by your " Dent from the Cour% of the Ciof -- " pel: Remember what Obedience lb " great Liberty of the whole Doctrine " of Chrifl granted, requireth at your " Hands, &c. CHAPo