Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[117] " Church." They were by no means content with enjoying it themfelves; all Endeavours were employ'd to have it not tolerated, but efablifhed; in the mean time only, till they couldforce it upon others, were they fatisfy'd with ufing it themfelves. 'Tis part of their Subfcription, " In the mean time, weN's x'ct. " promife to obferve it, fo far as may ?. 6'3. " be lawful for us to do, by the pub- " lick Laws of this Kingdom, and by " the Peace of our Church." In this admiredForm of Difcipline, fo earneft- ly contended for, we have an authen- tick Proof, how def}itute they were of Charity or Condefcenfion to weak Bre- thren. Oneof the firft Laws are in thefe Words. " Let none be call'd [to anyN's ITi(t. Ecclefiaflical Benefice] " but theywhop. 61o. " have firft fubfcribed theConfeflion of " Mrine and Difcipline; whereof " let them be admoniih'd to have Co- " pies with themfelves." This muff at once have deprived not only theBithops, Deans, Archdeacons, &c. but all the .Epifcopal Clergy thioughout the Nati- on, who could not fubfcribe to this Holy Difcipline. No Latitude for ten- der Confciences, none to be admitted, but thofe that fubfcribed to their Do- ctrine and Difcipline. Could any thing more effeEtually íliut the Doors of the I 3 Church