Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

" nefs begot Ignorance, Ignorance begot " Error and his Brethren, Error begot " FREE-WILL and Self-love. Free-will was the Parent of Lady Lucre and many other Abominations, which, after long Succeflion, produced the " 'Pope and his Brethren the Cardinals, " with all their Succeffors, Abbots, Pri- " ors, and all the BROOD OF POI'ELINGS, " Arch-bilhops, Lord-Whops, Arch- " deacons, Deans, Chancellors, Corn-- " mlfaries, Ofcials, SpiritualDoctors, " and Proctors, with the reft of that " Viperous Brood, in the T'ranfmigra- " tion of Abomination. The Quaere is unavoidable, Were not fuch as thefefine Heads to ADMONISH a Parliament, to reform and fettle a Nation, who could publish fuch an ingenious and wonderful Genealogy? TheReader cannot but ob- ferve, that every thing is Popery which thefe Gentlemen did not relish ; Free- will is the very Root and Foundation of it ; much worfe than a Surplice, a SquareCap, or a Scholar's Gown, which are but the Leaves or Branches of Papiftsy. We find, annexed to a Petition to the Convocation, a Piece, called, the State of the. Church laid open, in a Conference or Dialogue between T)iotrephes, a Bithop, L 124 " The Devilbegot Darknef}, Dark-