Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

E 135 7 4` it may bePaid (abate for the Difpro- <<portion) as of St. Paul, tho' poor, making many rich." Ifalfinghar, therefore, can be no partial Evidence for the Church ; the univerfal Efteem he }uftly acquired by his Integrity and Wifdom, demands the greater Credit to what he relates. " The Steps ofil m , Reror: " the Queen's Proceedings (lays. Bifhopvoa. rr. p. 4'8. cc Burnet) both againft Papifis and " Puritans, are fo fet out by her great " and wife Secretary, Sir Francis " Walfingham, in fo clear a Manner, ". that I thall fet it down here as a cc moft important Piece of Hiftory " being written by one of the wifefl " and molt virtuous Minifters, that thefe latter Ages have produced. " Mr. N. complains of thofe eminent P. 1 :r. Men, Archbithop Grindal, Bithop Cox, Born, Pilkington and others, that they had no Courage. They did not dare, it feems, to oppofe the reafonabie Mea- lures of the Legiflature. No Body, 'tis to be hoped, will charge this Gentle- man with the fame Defer, who has ventured his own Reputation againff fo great, fo wife, and good a Man as Sir Francis Wolfngham ; who has even rheum Courageenough to accufe that celebrated Minifter, of Falfhood and N's x;l. Mifreprefcntations, or, in his own p F99.° K 4 Words,