Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

X1483. " Minds of all Godly People; how " great Benefit toPoflerity ; how great " Delight to all fucceeding Times! " and moreover, to your own Name " how immortal an Honour ! more " lafting than any Monument of Brafs. The Tongues and Learning of all " Englijhmen would be Rained with " Ingratitude, fhould theyfuffer, aswell " this Godlike thing, as all the other " Trophies of your Virtues, by any An- " tiquity of Time, to be abolifhed. " Hither muff be added, your Ma- " jefty's fingular Favour towards learn- " ed Studies, in the adorning and fur- " thering whereof, you would never " have thewn your felf fo inclinable, " had you not been fo exquifitely fur- " nifhed and dreffed your felf with " them. The Reader has now feen the Sen- timents of good Father Fox as to the Puritans ; the dangerous Schemes they had formed the Violence of their Pro- ceedings ; and the Neceffityof keeping a watchful Eye over them. TheChara- ¿ter ofQElizabcth,voluntarily given by fuch an upright and impartial Witnefs of her Conduct, deferves great Regard. Sir Francis Wafngham's unprejudiced Relation will meet with entire Credit, even were it not confirm'd by Mr. N's long