Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

1553 [ they could not then in their Judg- ments be finful] " but more frequent- " ly adminifter'd without them, for which force were cited into the Spi- " ritual Courts and adnaonifhed. But " the Bifhops had not yet [ in the fixth Year of the Queen's Reign] " affum'd " the Courage to procceed to Sacfpen- " ton and Deprivation." Here then, confe, ffedly is great Indulgence for fix Years to the Puritans, who were allow'd to enjoy the Advantages of the Efta- blifhment without complying with the Conditions upon which thefe Advan- tages were legally granted. How great this Indulgence was, and what Liber- ties were taken in departing from the eflablifh'd Rules, we may partly ga- ther from a Paper found amongSecre- tary Cecil's Manufcripts, and preferved by Mr. Strype, as follows. Varieties in the Service, andAdmi- ni/iiration ufed. Some fay the Service and Prayer in Serviceand the Chancel ; others in the Body of Prayer. the Church. Some fay the fame in a Seat made in the Church fame in the Pulpit, with their Faces to the People. Some keep precifely the Order of the Book; others intermeddle Pfalms in Me- tre ; fome fay with a Surplice; others without a Surplice. The