Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

f 157 deride, infzdt, and abide their conform- ing Brethren. Great Prai was be- flow'd upon thofe who difregarded the Laws, and heavy Cenfures upon filch as obf ervedthem. Nay, theywent far- ther than this, and raifed great Con tentions and Tumults in the Church ; inftead of preaching true Piety and Vir- tue; Matters offo little Confequence, as afquare Cap, or a Scholar's Gown, were made the Subje~lsof publickTiJcourfes Inflead of endeavouring to bringPapifis to the Protefiant Faith, thofe who were connived at in difufing the eflablifh'd Drefs, feverely inveigh'd againft their Proteflant Brethren that peaceablywore it; againft thofe very Bifhopswhole In- dulgence had either given, or permitted them to enjoy confiderable Stations in the Church. Mr. N judging it proper, greatly toTeton this Matter, has endea- vour'd to explain it into a meer Calum- ny, a Report artfully rais'd upon the Puritans. " To give Countenance to " this * Severity, it was reported, Jays " he, * The Severity Mr. N. complains of was the Queen's requiring the Archbifhops and Ecclefiaftical Commtllion, o to take effeaual Methods that an exams Order and Uni- o formity be maintain'd in all external Rites and Ceremo- nies, as by Law and good Ufages are provided for; and .' that none hereafter be admitted to any Ecclefial:ical Pre- ' ferment, but who is well difpofed to common Order, and íhall formally promife to comply with it. N. B'JI. p. i87 ,