Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C I62 Strype, relating to this Matter ; fo that the Clergy of the Church of England are entirely indebted to Mr. N. for that rude and unbrotherly Defcription of them, ¶apifls in Eifuifè, Time-fer- vers, &c. When this Gentleman is confronted with Sir Francis Walfin- gham, the Reader will remember this Inftance of his exa& Fidelity. But to go on,'tis agreed on all Hands, the Nation was inflamed ; it feems highly proper, therefore, to mention force of the .Endeavours that were ufed to raife this Flame in the Kingdom, and the rather, ,becaufe the Hiflory of the Puritans is filent upon that Head. When the true Authors of this general fi/lurbance are brought to Light, 'twill be eafy to determine who is to be charged with the Confequences of it. Ifthofe Men, who ought peaceably and thankfully to have enjoy'd their Liberty, made Ufe of that Indulgence to raife Tumults and Tai Orders, to fet the Nation on Fire ; 'twas no Wonder, a wife and careful Government fhould require a ftrióer Obedience to the Laws. Too great Connivance, it was found upon Trial, had given Occafión tomuch 2umuIt and Fat-lion ; hence it became vecefary to infift upon a more exa& Conformity to the Rules eftablilhed by the