Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 186 a of our Church, altho' not by the felf " fame Inaruments and Engines. But befides the Endeavours from the Popifh Quarter, to enflame the Popu- lace, and fpirít up the Puritans to make fuch a Divifion as might ruin the Pro- teftant Intereft, and rettore the alienat- ed Lands to the Church, there were others who abed from a different View, in hopes to find their Account in the Ruin of Bifhops and Cathedral Chur- Ibid. p; 2.8; ches. For as Mr. Strype obferves, " it " abundantly appears, that the grand " Defign of thefe Admonitions, was " to undermine and overthrow (if not cc the Reformation it felf, yet) that " great Part of it, viz. the Ecclefafti- " cal Government by the Bithops ; and cc therebyperhaps (many felf-defigning " Men, joining with thofe new Re- " formers) they had their Eyes upon " the Revenues of the Church, rather " than a&ed by a Zeal of fetting up " a new Order of Church Governors." The great Earl of Leicefler, as Mr. N. calls him, Teems to be the chief of this Number. " Indeed (fays Mr. Fuller) Fuller 's Cb. C Hilt. Lib. ;. Leicefler caft a covetous Eye upon p. 130. " Lambeth Houfe, alledging as good Arguments for his obtaining thereof, cc as ever were urged by Ahab for Na- both's Vineyard. With this View, he