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[ =4 " licks lhould have alienated the " ,Queen's Heart from them." If her Majefty, upon very weighty Reafons, was for retaining .fome few ancient Ce- remonies, it had been much more decent as well as jut to fo Great a Queen, to have faid fhe inclin'd moreto the Luthe- ran than Galviniflic Proteftants, in the external Polity of the Church, tho' the never came up to the former. But 'Popery is an odiousWord, and therefore the Good Queen is to be Brandedwith that. Thus, when he is giving her Charaaer in Form, at the End of her Reign, p. 6oz. " As to her own Re- " ligion, fie affected a middleWaybe- " tween 'Popery and Puritanifm, tho' cc her Majefty was more inclinable to " the former : She difliked the fecular " Pretentions of the Court of Rome " over foreign States, but was in love " with the Pomp and Splendor of their " Worfhip. This is the heavy Charge brought againft that Illuftrìous Princefs, who expofed herfelf to fo many Hazards for the Proteftant Religion. How ground- lefs the Accufation is, will foon appear to her Honour; and if it be to the ,Shame of her Accufers, they are to thank. thernfeIves. The