Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 19 3 Arms and Stile of Queen of England, strype' Ann, and follicited the Pope to declare Eli- zabeth's Title not to be good. Mr. Strype juffly obferves " the Queen had Ibid. p. io. " ftill more Reafon to be jealous of the Scots Title, fince her Sifter, the late " een Mary, ufed to taunt her, by " telling her often, that the Queen of Scots was the certain and undoubted cc Heir of the Crown of England, next cc after herfelf. Add, Pays he, to this that the Cardinal of Lorrain, in a ç` Conference with force Delegates " from Spain at Cambray, about this time afferted, that his Niece the faid " Queen of Scots was moil jet ,Queen " of England." Befides, it mull be remember'd, that againft a Rival fo ftrongly fupported, Queen Elizabeth was very ill provided to make any Oppofition. The Crown was incum- ber'd with immenfe Debts, the People difpirited, the Fortifications ruinous. " Queen Mary left the Kingdom in asstrype'sAnn " low and miferable an Ebb as ever it Vut.1 p. 2., c` was known to have been in, in any " former Times; embroil'd inWar with " .France'and Scotland ; the Exchequer " very low, . that Queen having con- cc traded great Debts. By this means " Elizabeth had formidable Enemies " before her and behind her, but illy C 2 " guard-