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***melev,0******************** ..1 J'ZJ" Zf 44.44444,444,4444481-144014 APPENDIX I S the Defign of this Appendix to to remark forne of thofe Mi[takes and falfe Quotations to be found in the Hi/tory of the Puritans, which could nor, without too much Inter- ruption, be mentioned in the former Part of this Work. The Number might have been confiderably encreafed; but what is here colle&ed, together with the Mittakes taken Noticeof before, will be fufficient to convince the Reader, that if Mr. N. intended an accurate or impartial Hitlory, he has greatly fail'd in the Execution of his Defigna Were thefe Errors lets frequent or lefs obvious ; did they favour one Side as well as the other, he would haveabetter Title toplead Inadvertency. But when his Readers obferve, that his chief Mittakes are in one Strain, vit. to blacken the Eltabli(hment, and to heighten the Character of thofe that opposed it, Mr. N. mutt fubmit to their Judgment, whetherfuck Intakes could be involuntary and undefigned. N's Hitt. p. i. d TheLegillature, in thezfth Year of Edward III. palled an Aét, called, a Statute of Provifors, whereby it is enaïfed, That the Kingand r other Lords (hall prefent unto Benefices of their own or their Ancestors Foundation, andnot the Bithop of Rome. This Mr. N. quotes and marks as a Claufe in the AA of Parliament, whereas it is only the Title of the Aá, and no Claufe in the Aét itfelf. This Gentleman is eatreamly carelefs in quoting 461s of