Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

Cc CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC GC CC CC CC CC CC Ci CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC f23] his People more readyto fight againft us, not only as Enemies, but as He- retici's. He will be in great Hope of Aid from hence, of them that are difcontented with this Alteration , looking for Tumult and Difcord. He will alfo flay concluding Peace, upon Hope of fome Alteration. III. Scotlandwill have fome Caufes of Boldnefs ; and by that way the French Kingwill feem fooneft to at- tempt to invade us. " IV. Ireland alfo will verydifficult- ly be ftay'd in their Obedience, by reafon of the Clergy that is fo ad- dided to Rome. " V. Many People of our own will be very much difcontented ; efpeci- ally thefe Sorts. " i. All finch asgovern'd in the late Queen Mary's time, and were chofen thereto for no other Caufe, or were then molt efteem'd for beinghot and earneft in the ` other Religion, and now remain Unplac'd and Uncall'd to Credit, will think themfelves difcre- dited, and all their Doings defaced, and Rudy all the Ways they can to maintain their former Doings, and defpife all this Alteration. " z. Bithops, and all the Clergy will fee their own Ruin. In Con- C 4 " feffion