Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[36] The Reader will certainly remember, that this was the Adviceand the 7udg- ment of fo confiderable a Calvinift as Bullinger, at a Time when this Mat-. ter was under Debate. From him we learn, that King Edward's Reforma- tion was the moil advifable Scheme, and would give Satisfation to all pious Men. Satisfacit (in the Prefent Tenfe intimating not only, that it had fatif- fied them in King Edward's Reign, but that it did fo now) Satisfacit plis Edwardi Reformatio. But, befides the Lutherans, there were other Proteftants, particularly force of thofe who had lived at Geneva, in Queen Mary's Reign, that earneftly prefs'd to have the Form of Worfhip and IDifcipline they had ufed in that Place eftahlifh'd here. They, as it was natural for them, gave the Prefe- rence to their own Model, as the Lu- therans did to theirs. The Number of the Geneva Exiles was very inconfade- rabie, compared with thofe that were difperfed at the many other Places. N's xicl. Mr. N. obferves, that thofe of Gene- p. 12.3. va [only] wrote to their Brethren of Arrow, 73afzl, Francfort, Strasburgh, Troubles of and Wormes (&c. as it is in the Origi- Franctort, nal, ihould have been added) defiring Edit. Isrs, mutual Forgivenefs [of what happen'd at