Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 43 1l'étminter Confeflion, neither are any other redeemed by Chrift. This Point of univerfal Redemption, is the chief Article of the Difpute between the Ar- minians and Calvinifms. ; and, as he ob- ferves from Dr. Whitby, who was well skilled in that Controverfy, draws all the refit after it. Here the Church differs from the Calvinifms. That agreeably to this .publick De- claration of our Church, the private Writings of the molt eminent Refor- mers,: fuch, as Archbifhop , Cranmer, Bithop Latimer, Bithop Hooper, &c. fpeak in the fame Strain ; he has pro- duced Quotations from them. He fur- ther obferves, that the principal Oc- cafion of Calvinifm taking any Root a- mong the EnglifhClergy, was in Queen Mary's Reign, when many of the Ex- iles fell into the Calviniftic Notions, which they learned at Geneva, Zu- rich, and other Calviniftic Churches ; that, notwithftanding this, feveral con- fiderable Divines were of different Sen-. timents, and the Articles continued, without any material Alterations, as to thefe Points, under Queen Elizabeth, the fame they were under K. Edward'. When thefe were compiled in that King's Reign, it does not appear any Deference was paid to Calvin's Judg- ment