Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 49 ee And fince he comply'd with the " common Cullom, we are fore that " Change was not criminal. It feem'd " reafonable to allow the Chriftian " Church the likePower in fuch things " with the f ewifh : And as the Jews " thought their coming into the pro- " mifed Land might be a Warrant to lay afide the Pofture appointed by " Mofes , which became Travellers " bell; fo Chrift being now exalted, it " feem'd fit to receive this Sacrament " with higher Marks of outward Re- " fped, thanhad been proper in the firft " Inftitution, when he was in the State `` of Humiliation, and his Divine Glory " not yet fo fully reveal'd. 'Tis true, Kneeling was abufed, and fo was the Feafling Po/liare, as 'tis call'd by Mr. 1k. p. 2 38. Of this fomeLove Feafls are too good a Proof. But Mr. N. mentions /landing at the Sacrament ;, whereas the 'Puritans asfirmly enjoin'd fitting as the Church did kneeling. The Injunction they made on this plead is in thefeWords. " TheExhortation ended, TbeService. `` the Mini ter coming down from the the aed h Pulpit, fitteth at the Table, EVERY Church ofGe- i Man and Woman in like wife, taking app , as twas by their Place, as Occalon bell ferveth ;theme Revd " then he taketh Bread, and givethvM"fehand nCathe l- " Thanks, &c." This then is the State of chinurc, h of E the scetland,p. }S.