Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[s1 ]. There is another very important 1 if ference, that makes it eafy to judge on which Side Chriflian Charity and For- bearance lay. The Rubrick of the Church, which relates to theAdmifon of theCommunicants, is in thefe Words. And if any of theft' [who have figniréd their Intention to partake of the Holy Communion] be an open and notorious Evil Liver, or have done any Wrong to hisNeighbour byWordor Deed, fo that the Congregation be thereby offended, the Curate having Knowledge thereof, (hall call him andadvertife him, that in any wife he prefume not to come to the Lord's Table until, &c. Let us now fee what was the Method fettled upon the Principles of their Difcipline for the Admifon' of Men and Women to the Church and Sacrament. 'Tis as follows. " The Manner of Receiving all SortsTroubles of " of Ì'er%ns into the faidCongregation. Francfort, ee p. ix7. Edit, Firfl, for the avoiding of all He- , £7S. d` relies and Seas in our Churches, every " one, as well Men as Women, which " délire to be received, Ihall make a CC Declaration, or Confe/on of their " Faith before the Miniflers and El- " ders, (hewing himfelf fully to con- " fent and agree with the DoCrine of " the Church, and fubmitting them- " felves to the Difcipline of the fame, E z "and