Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 6 ] cc of Governing the Church, than that cc which God had prefcribed in his cc Word." Another Writer fpeaks to Survey of the this Purpofe. " As God himfelf ap- pret' Holy cc pointed an Inequality amongíl the Difcipline, P. I42. Prieu s in the OldTeflament ; as by cc C'hri/l's Inílitution, and in his own cc time, the Apofiles were J perior to " the Seventy Difcipies : As the Apo- " files, when the Gofpel begin to fpread itfelf, appointed fundryTime- cc " thies, and Titus, to govern the " Churches in divers Countries and " Territories: As all theFcclefiaflical " Hi/lories do record the Superiority " of Bifhops, and do fet down the " Catalogues of many of them, and " which of the ilpoflles and Apoflolical " Bithops, and in what Cities and " Countries they fucceeded : As all " the ,lncient General Councils, and " all the ancient and godly learned " Fathers have allowed of Yifhops, " and of their Superiority over the ¡eft cc of the Clergy : As Bithops have been " accounted generally throughout the " World, to be the Apoflles Succef- " fors, and have continued in the " Church ever fence the Apoflles time : `` As there was never any one of all " the ancient Fathers, nor any learned ;` Men for Fifteen HundredYears, but " Aerius