Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 58 of the Elderfhip Equality, and now Ben contra cc Beza himfelf joining with him, do 5acray.p.143.c` both of them confefs, that the Cal- " ling and Authority of Bifhops and Ibid. p. 115." Archbilhops may be defended; that & 116. they didproceed from the HolyGhofl, " and that there is nothing more ma- `` nifef in all the Ecclefiaftical .Hiflo- "` ries, all the ancient Councils, and in " the Writings of all the ancient Fa- " thers, than the Allowance of them, " throughout all Chriftendom. " Not- withftandingall this, Mr. N. is extream- ly fond of a Parity among the Clergy, and has taken too much Pains in that Caufe. 'Twas an Excefs of Zeal to prefs the pious Reformers and King Edward's Ordinal into this Service N's, nia. " The Committee (fays he) foon finifh- p. 63, 6+. " ed their Ordinal, which is almoft the fame with that now in Ufe " they take no Notice in their Book of " the lower Orders in the Church of Rome, as Subdeacons, Readers, Aco- lytes, &c. but confine themfelves to " Bifhops, Priefts and Deacons and " here it is obfervable, that the FORM ce of Ordaining a Priefl, and a Bithop Is THE SAME, there being no exprefs ` Mention in the Words of Ordination whether it be for the one or the other Office : This has been alter'd of late " Yearn