Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

Epll. tll. 7. Col. i, z3. [ 6] He had indeed undertaken a difficult Task, and muff therefore have great Allowances in the Execution of it. The Senfe and 'Practice of the whole Chri- flianChurch for fifteen HundredYears, in a Form of Church Government, fo early, fo univerfally, fo conflantly re- ceived, were great Obílacles. No In- ílances of Presbyters executing the di- flinguifhing Offices of a Bithop, no Ex- ample of any Man's being a Bithop one Day, and reduced to a mere Presbyter the next, as mull have been the Cafe, had a Bithop, as is fometimes álledged, been no more than a Chairman, a Mo- derator, or temporary Prefident of a Presbtery. No Inflances of many Bi- !hops in Places where there were many Priefls ; on the contrary, we always find one particular Perfon mention'd as the Bifh.op, and foie Bithop of one par- ticular City ; even where there were many Presbyters. This being the Cafe, and the promifcuous Ufe of Names, not fufficient to overcome fo many Ar- guments, or íhew the Identity of Order and Office between a Bithop and Priefl, any more than an Apo/lle's calling him- feif a Deacon will prove the Apoflo- late and D°aconthip to be one Order ; other Methods were tobe try'd, and the very _ Form of confecrating a Yiifhop, who