Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

CC CC e4 CC Cl Cl lt CC CC CC CC CC l/ CC CC CC CC cc rc cc Cc cc cC cc cc cc c4 BC cc cC Gc Ct [ 66 ] the Difference was but (mall.. They did it with different Defigns. The School-men having fet up the grand Myftery of Tranfib%iantiation, were to exalt the Priefily Office as muchas was pofflble ; for the turning the Hoff into Godwas fo great anAdjoin, that they reckon'd there could be no Of- fice higher than that which qualified a Man to fo mighty a Performance Therefore, as they changedthe Form of Ordination from what it was an- ciently believed to confif} in, to a de- livering of the facred Veffels, and held that a Prieft had his Orders by that Rite, and not by the Impofa- tion of Hands ; fo they raifed their Order or Office fo high as to make it equal with the Order of a Bithop but as they defign'd to extol the Or- der. of Priefihood, fo the Canonifis had as great Mind to deprefs the Epifcopal Order. They generally wrote for Preferment, and the Way to it was to exalt the Papacy. No- thing could do that fo eff'eóually as to bring down the Powerof Bithops. Thisonly could jZ ify the Exemp- tions of the Monks and Fryars, the Pope's Petting up Legantine Courts, and receiving at fini Appeals, and then Original Caufes before them, " together