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94 SERMONS iapon the S E R M. XII,. eternity ; and that is the Wifdom that is pare and peaceable, and full of good fruits ; for that is the trueft wfdom, it ferveth all turns, and provideth for God and Pelf too : That's an holy fell feeking, to feek felf in God : It hath what the other affeteth in a more fincere way of eryjoyment, Honour with God, Rom. 2. 7. plea - fares with God, Pfal. r6. r r. Rich towards God, Luk, 12. 20. t Tim. 6. 18. Rich in good works, shat they% may lay held of eternal life. This Prudence would ferve the turn, and make a man take all advantages of doing good. 2. Faithful. r Cor. 4.2. Moreover it is required of a Steward, that a man be found faithful: That he fincerely feek the Glory of God, and watch all advantages to promote his Lords Intereft, and carry himtelf well in his truft. 3. Indufiry, that he fir up himfelf, a Tim. 1.6. 2 Tim. 4. 14. Neglell not the gift that is in thee. nh let us not be idle, but hunt out occafions of doing good. DoEt. II. In trading, oar Returns muff carry proportion with our Receipts. He that had five Talents, gained other five, and he that bad two, gained other two. God will not accept of every mans rendring, for the mercies of common Providence, De- liverances ; zthron. 32.25. Hezekiah rendered fomething, but not according to the . benefit received: Nor for the mercies of his Covenant, Juflifcation, or pardoning mercy, Luk. 7. 47. Her fin,. which are many, are forgiven ; for fhe loved much Bat to whom little is forgiven, the fame loveth little. All Love requireth Love, and an anfwerable degree. So for Sanel(cation : He expeEteth more from them to whom he hath given more Grace, 1 Cor. 15.1o. Bar by the -Grace of God I am what I am, and his Grace which was befiowed upon me, was not in vain : But I laboured more' abun- dantly than they all : Tet not I, but the Grace of God that was with me. And in gene- ral, of all Talents, Ordinances, he expeEteth improvement fuitahle, clear Knowledge, thong Faith, more ready obedience, Luk., r 2. 47,48. And the Servant that knew his Lords will, and prepared not himfef, neither did according to his will, [ball be beaten with many (tripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of lrip es, (hall be beaten with few flripes : For unto whomfoever much is given, of him mach fhalibe required. Other - wife his Judgments will make it evident ; Amos 3. 2. The Valley of Vegans had the heavieft burthen. So for Gifts of the Mind, God expeEteth Service according to their meafure, Eph. 4.16. That which every joynt fupplyeth, according to the efella- al working in the meafure of every part ; according ro that place they hold in the body. No Member is either dead, or idle, or living, and working only to it felf ; but every one is to contribute for the good of others according to its meafure. So for Eflate : God looks for more from them whole fuperfluities are larger than others enjoy, that they fhould be rich in good works, r Tim. 6. 18. God accepteth the Widows two Mites, that was more than the abundance of the Rich ; for Ibe call in all that fhe had, Luk. 21. Still the Rule holdeth. The Account rifeth with the Gifts : And God will accept that at one mans hands, that he will not accept of another, whole capacities and opportunities are greater, who have more time to fpend in his immediate fervice, more wealth to beftow, more advantages of acquainting themfelves with God. Only let me give you two Cautions in judging of our Returns. Firft, That, in Gifts either of Mind, or of the Body, our Faithfulnefs is meafured by our endeavour, and not by our fuccefs : Dominus non confiderat ( faith yerome, ) lucri magnitudinem, fed fiudii voluntatem. The Crown of Faithfulnefs, and the Crown of Fauitfulnefs, do both adorn the perfon that wears them : Though they be not gathered, yet our work is with God : Ifa. 49. 4. Then I fail, I have laboured in vain, I have (pent my ftrength for nought, and in vain: Tet furely my judg- ment is with the Lord, and my work is with God. Though little fruit and effect on men, yet not the lefs regarded and rewarded by God. Secondly, That in the laying out of our Gifts, God doth not meafure them by the ,Quantity and Value of what is given, but by the Afeltion and Heart of the Giver. Affelius pretium rebus im onit, faith Ambrofe ; which is a Comfort to the poorer fort, who have but little- to give and contribute to good ufes : 1 Cor. 8. r r. If there be ('lift a willing mind, a man is accepted according to what he hath, not according to what he bath not. So in other things, the fmallnefs and meannefs, of the Benefit, doth not d'iminifh Gods eftimation of mans love and affcEtion : On the other fide, 'cis an a w to the great and Rich : All thofe pompous Services, if not a real mind, arc