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Ver. 28, 29. XXVtb. Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 12 5 4. The Children of God may feel this Temper coming upon them, when though they do not call off Prayer altogether ; yet they cut off, or abate and diminifh their Prayers, either in Fervour, or Frequency, or Continuance and Perfeverance in Pray - er; pray without Senfe, AffeE3ion or Life ; or do not pray fo ofb n, or do not conti- nue inllant in Prayer. This cutting fhort of Duties, in time tendeth to a quitting of them altogether. Man is ready to cart off what he thinketh to be a Burden : So when they are back- ward to Meditation, or to with -draw from the Delights of the Flefh, and the Di= ftra &ion of ordinary Imployments. In all fuch Cafes we fhould roufe up our felves. Time is fhort ; our Account fure and near , we are labouring for Heaven and Salva- tion : Shall we tire and faint,? Be not weary of well -doing ; 'tis fpoken with refpea to the Duties ofPiety, Heb. 12. t s. Duties of Mercy, Gal: 6. q. Duties ofour Calling, e Theft, 3. t 3. Oh then, let us roufe up our (elves ! SERMON XVI. MATT H. XXV. V. 28, 29. rake therefore the Talent from him, and give it to him which bath ten Talents. For unto every one that bath, (hall be given, and he (hall have abundance ; but from him that bath not, (hall be ta!en away, even that which he bath. E have feen the Arraignment of the evil Servant ; now followeth the Sentence, which intimateth a double Punifhment ; Privative, and Po -, f:tive ; Lofs and Pain. The former is in thefe two Vertes; wherein you may obferve three things: t. The taking the Talent from the evil Servant. e. The Difpofition of the Talent fo taken from him. 3. The Reafon of both. Let me explainthefe Branches, and then draw one Point from the whole. Brit, The taking the Talent from the evil Servant ; Take therefore the Talent from` him. Naughty Servants either lofe the Gifts themfelve's, or the Benefit, Comfort and Reward of them : Here, in time, they lofe their Gifts ; when Time is no more (which is the Cafe in our Parable) they lofe their Reward. Secondly, The Dafpofition of the Talent fo taken from him ; And give it to him that hath ten Talents ; that is, five by Truft, and five more by Gain and Ímpprovement. The giving of the Talent to the fill Servant, was thought unequal by force, becaufe he had fuch Plenty already ; as appeareth, Luk, 59. 25. They fay unto him, Lord, he bath ten Pounds: But the Lord adhereth to his Sentence : For I fay unto you; `Unto every one that bath jisall be given, &c. He giveth molt to thofe that have done him molt diligent and faithful Service, and delighteth to enrich them more and more with the Rewards of Grace. Objell._ But how can we receive other Mens Talents ? Shall the Elect receive Bene= fit from the Reprobate ; and their Lofs be our Gain ? Anfw. r. 'Tis fpoken after thé manner of Men : Nothing more ufual among Men, than to take that from the Unfaithful, whidh was committed to them, and to give it to the Faithful. 'Tis fuch another Exprelfion as Apse. 3. it. Hold [aft that thon hais