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28 SERMONS upon the SERM,IV. and Graces will be preferved in us in a lively manner, and conftant exercife. 1 7hef. 5: 1 g, 20. ,Quench not the Spirit. Defyife not Prophefying. If you would not . quench the Spirit, you mull not carelefly ufe she means of Grace. The words of the wife are m Goads to prick us forward (Eccl. 12. ro. ) in Heavens way To flir us up to our Duty the Spirit of God iharpeneth and pointeth the Word, that it may be as Goads in our fides. When we are negligent, here is quickning. A dull Mini- ftry as well as a dull Minifter maketh us fall afleep. 5. Slumber is the cat fe of Sleeping. Mark the order in the Text : They firfl flumbred, and afterwards /dept. One degree of carelefnefs makes way for another ; and ufually there is a leffer degree at firfl. Take heed of the beginnings of de- clinations. If we would avoid fleep, we mull avoid flumber. No man becom- eth !lark naught at the first ftep. One carelefs Prayer maketh way for another. Give way to it now, and it will fettle into an utter deadness at fait. Men fear not the danger of little fins, and fo are hardened under them, till they fall into greater. Small fins harden as well as great fins ; 'tis hard to fay which more. Indeed at firft little fins feem to awaken Compun &ion,. The prick of a Pin ma- keth a man flan, but a heavy blow flunneth him. David when he cut off the Lap of Sails Garment, his heart fmote him ; but when he fell into Adultery and Blood, he was like one in a fwoon. This is true, but then on the other fide, great Sins are more apparent and liable to the notice of Conscience, but we neglect fmall fins ; and fo inveterate Cullom groweth upon us, and we are infenfibly hardened by a carelefnefs and confiant negleet of thofe kind of fins ; yea, fome- times more than by grofs falls. A furfeit or violent diftemper maketh us °run to a Phyfitian ; but when a difeafe groweth upon us by degrees, we have death in our bowels e're we know it. We take care to mend a great breach, but a leak unefpyed drowneth the Ship. We have need alwayes to stand upon our watch. Many great mifchiefs would not enfue, if we took notice of the beginnings of thofe diftempers which afterwards fettle upon us. 6. The Omt,'jion of holy Duties, and the want of a conftant ferious Exercife, induces a fecure careless temper of Spirit. Solomon telleth us, Prov. 19. 15. Sloath- fulnefs cafleth into a deep /leep, and the idle Soul1háll fifer hunger. Labour difpel- leth the vapours, and fcattereth them ; but floath and idlenefs maketh .way for fleep. 'Tis true in the Soul : The renewed part hatlt need of a great deal of fpiritual Exercife to keep it awake ; much Prayer, much hearing, much failing. The Apoftle faith, Rom. as r a. Not floathful in bafinefs, fervent in fpirtt, fervin the Lord. The way to be fervent in Duties, is to be frequent in them. Be much in action, and in the exercife of Grace, that you may be kept fresh and lively. Wells are the fweeter for draining ; fo is the Soul the more frefh and ready for every good work. In Gifts, we fee, if they be not traded with, they ruft and decay, and fail ; fo in Graces, to him that bath (hall be given. He that ufes his gifts well, shall find them encreafed. The right arm is bigger, and ftronger, and fuller of fpirits than the left, becaufe more in ufe. 7. Grieving the Spirit, caufeth him to fufpend his quickning influence ; and then the Soul is in a dead and drowfie eftate. Though the Children of God dare not quench the Spirit, yet they may grieve the Spirit, Eph.4..3o. The Conference of a renewed man, after 'cis wounded by grog fins, may be a dead and ftupifl- ed Confcience for a long time : Witnefs David and yonah. 8. Immoderate Liberty in worldly things : as worldly cares, and flefhly delights. Sobriety is neceíílary, or a fparing medling with thole worldly Comforts that de mightily indifpofe us for the Chriftian Warfare, 1 Pet. 2. 7. Luk. 21. 34. Take heed your hearts be not overcharged with forfeiting and drunkenness. Look, as the multi - .tude of gross vapours cuff us into a fleep, fo do there delights and . cares ftupifie the Soul. Pfal. 159. 37. Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou. me in thy way. You will need quickning if you give way to vanity. Ü S E, Oh take heed of this Evil. Mark 13. 26. Watch, kfl. the Lord cometh faddenly, and be finde you flaring. Would you have Chrift come and find you in this cafe? (r.) Some are wholly in a Elate of fpiritual Sleep. To them the Lord fpeak- eth, Eph. 5. 14. Awake thou that fleereft, and . arise from the dead; and Chrill (hall give thee light. And of fuch the Apoftle fpeaks, r Cor. r 5, 3, 4. Awake to ;righteoaf- osefo,