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Ver. i o. xxv'h- Chapter of St. MATTHEW. (z.) With refpe& to. our frfì Entrance into this Relation: (3.) With refpe& to the Stare of it In this world. (4.) With refpe& to its perfect Confummatian. Firff, With refpe& to the Ground and Foundation that was laid for it in Chrifts Incarnation, or at his firft coining. Marriage is between parties of the fame kind, as in the firft Marriage Adam called Eve, Bone of his Bane, and Flefb of his alb, Gen. z. zo. So Chrift came to fit himfelf for that' relation of Husband to his Church, by taking our nature upon him, and therefore the Apofile when he fpeakerh of the Marriage between Chrift and his Church; ufeth the fame name which Adan 'bad ufed, Eph. 5. 30. For we are members of his Body, of his Flefb, and of his Bone. When Chrift was in the world, he made a way for the Marriage : He parted from us 'tis true, but there was an interchange of tokens, he took our Flefh; and left with us his Spirit. Secondly, With refpea to ourflrft Entrance into this relation, when firft converted to God, or upon our thankful, brokenhearted; willing acceptance of Chritt for Lord and Husband. All Marriage is ntered into by a confent ; Chrift giveth his Con - Cent in the Promifes, and we by Faith, which is a broken- hearted, .willing and thankful acceptance of the Lord Jefus Chrift, to the ends for which God offer - eth him. Where note, that Faith is an Acceptance of Chrift, yohn 1. 1 z. T o as many as received him : Next for the mode and manner of this Acceptance, 'cis Broken hearted, becaufe we are undeférving and ill deferving Creatures, altogether unworthy to be taken into loch a near relation to Chrift ; as Abñail when David fent to her to make her his Wife, debafed her felf, ,1 Sam. 25. 4.0, 41. Let thine hand -maid miff) the feet of thy &rvintr. Alas, who äre we ? A poor trembling Soul is afraid of be- ing too bold, but Gods offer encourageth it. And as 'tis a broken - hearted, fo 'cis a Willing acceptance of Chrift for Chrift will not draw us into this Relation by force, or bellow the Priviledges of it without or againft our confent, Rev. zz. I7. Whofoever will, let him take of the water of Life freely : If the will be to Chrill, the great difficulty is over.. Chriflianity is but an. hearty confent to accept of Chrift and his Benefits ; but the Creatures Will is not foon gained, Math. 23 37. I would, but ye would not ; he inviteth and .clucketh by the renewed melfages of his Grace, but we will not be gathered ; Ifa. 6 ç. z. I have fpread out my hands all the day long to a rebellious People. The ungodly carelefs world knowetls not the worth of Gods greatefl Mercies, and therefore defpife them, yea take them for intolerable Injuries and Troubles, becaufe they are againft their 13eflily Ap- petites ; but when the will is once thoroughly gained to God, the great work of Converfion is drawing to a happy. Period ; the confent of the Will is the clofing as : When we yield our felves to the Lord, refolving to become his, and to be difpofed, ordered and governed by him at his own pleafure ; Ientered into' Covenant with thee, and thou becamefl mine, Ezek. 16. 8. And as 'tis a willing acceptance, fo 'tis a thankful acceptance of Chrift ; becaufe 'tis a great favour ,and honour done to us, confidering the infinite diftance between the parties to be joyned in the Marriage covenant, God over all blef[ed for ever, and we poor wretched Crea- tures. There may be anìong us great diftance between the perlons that enter in- to the Marriage- covenant, but all that diftance is but finite, for it is but fùch as can be between Creature and Creature, which are equal in their being, notcvith- ftanding the .inequality of many extrinfical refpe &s ; but 'in this diflance between Chrift and his People, the diftance is between the Creator and the Creature, the Potter and the Clay ; the thing formed, and him that formed it ; betwixt the molt lovely perfon, and the,moft loathfome ; between the Heir of all things, and the Children of Wrath the King immortal, and a poor Valfal to Sin and Sathan : And confider allo -the many benefits we enjoy by it, we have the Communion of his Righteoufnefs, Spirit and Graces, 2 Cor. ç. 21. He was made fin for us, that we might be made the Righteoufnefs of God in him. There are two Maxims in the Ci- vil Law, Vxar. fidget radiis mariti, the Wife participateth in the Honour of the Husband ; fo we have the Communion of Chrifts Righteoufnefs ; and Vxori lis non intenditor, the, Husband is anRverable for the Wife, the Pleas muff be brought againft him : So Jefus Chrift hath paid our Debts, and repro - fenteth the merit of his Sacrifice ; he is refponfible for the Debts we one ro Divine Jufrice. Participation is another Benitfìt, Eph. 5. z6. Husbands love your Wives,